Direktori Komunitas

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TFCA Sumatera

Tropical Forest Conservation Action for Sumatera (TFCA-Sumatera) adalah aksi nyata untuk melestarikan kawasan hutan tropis di Sumatera.


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The Bali Dog Halfway House

THE BALI DOG HALFWAY HOUSE is a collaboration of solo dog rescuers providing their rescued dogs a temporary safe place until adoption.


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The Green Bin

Creating a ripple effect on Recycling Awareness in Bali and her neighbours. Like us. Share us. Create that ripple now!


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The Green Indonesia

VISI Menjadikan Indonesia Hijau dan Bersih MISI 1. Penghijauan Diwilayah longsor dan gersang. 2. Pemukiman dan sarana umum bebas dari sampah. 3. Penanggulangan


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The Halimun Project

Calling bee-lovers, flower-growers, seed-scatterers and sun-worshippers, we are a group of permaculture trancekids who are building a sustainable home.


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The Kul Kul Farm

Welcome to The Kul Kul Farm at Green School Bali. We offer courses and workshops in regenerative farming and permaculture here in Bali.

The Sumba Foundation

The Sumba Foundation is deeply committed to lessening the consequences of poverty on the island of Sumba by providing humanitarian aid through village-based

The Travelling Straw Project

On our mission to reduce the unnecessary use of plastic, we donate reusable straws made of recycled glass to local beach cafes and


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Thirst Project Jakarta

Thirst Project Jakarta dibawah Thirst Project menjadi Thirst Project pertama di Indonesia dalam membantu tersebarnya air bersih ke pelosok-pelosok di dunia.


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