AYCHW invites you to join our upcoming capacity building and awareness training on Household Hazardous Waste Management.
We will build your capacity in waste management, sustainable development, and aligned subjects in the green training field.
You will be able to learn better on how to manage household hazardous waste as well as deep dive knowledge on circular economy with the help of our professional environmental practitioner. Our mission is to make youth committed to conserving nature through their actions. You will be able to take the lead especially adopting more sustainable lifestyles and in creating solutions.
So what are you waiting for? Slide for more to find out more about requirements and how to register.
Register Link: tinyurl.com/AYCHWtraining
It’s time for #YouthLeadtheChange !
Sumber : https://www.instagram.com/p/CjNli3SvpyJ/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet