Direktori Komunitas


ecoBali – Waste Management

ecoBali provides waste collection and recycling services / Composting systems / Schools programs

Friends of Lembongan

Friends of Lembongan (FOL) – A growing community group on Nusa Lembongan assisting in the clean up and education of the affects of


Lingkungan Hidup

Green Team Sanur

A gathering of like-minded people based in Sanur, Bali, who care about the environment they live in.


Lingkungan Hidup

Greenade Unpad

Greenade “Green With Argonomy and Educative Event” merupakan suatu rangkain acara yang ditujukan pada masyarakat, perusahaan, LSM, cendikiawan, dan pemerintah yang diharapkan dapat


Lingkungan Hidup


PlastikDetox helps small business owners in Bali to find practical ways to reduce the excessive use of plastic in their operations.

Project Clean Uluwatu

PCU is a collaborative non-profit organization that creates sustainable environmental solutions for waste management


Lingkungan Hidup

Sahabat Kertas

Olah pilah jadi berkah | Belajar bermanfaat melalui sampah dan lingkungan hidup, mari bersinergi dan kolaborasi.


Lingkungan Hidup

Sampah Jujur

We are an initiative based in Baung, Bali, to create an economy for plastic and other waste. Join us every morning @ 7am

Trash Hero Candidasa

Trash Hero Candidasa believes that every one of us can be a Trash Hero


Lingkungan Hidup