Direktori Komunitas


Pasukan Bijak Sampah

Bergerak dalam mendekatkan masyarakat pada pengelolaan sampah yang bertanggung jawab.


Lingkungan Hidup


PlastikDetox helps small business owners in Bali to find practical ways to reduce the excessive use of plastic in their operations.

Project Clean Uluwatu

PCU is a collaborative non-profit organization that creates sustainable environmental solutions for waste management


Lingkungan Hidup

Rumah Sampah Berbasis Sekolah

Rumah Sampah Berbasis Sekolah Bangun Karakter Bangsa Melalui Sampah

Sampah Jujur

We are an initiative based in Baung, Bali, to create an economy for plastic and other waste. Join us every morning @ 7am

Sedekah Botol

Sedekah Botol adalah kolaborasi gerakan sosial & lingkungan dengan gerakan investasi kesehatan. Botol yang disedekahkan akan diuangkan untuk pemulung solo.

The Green Bin

Creating a ripple effect on Recycling Awareness in Bali and her neighbours. Like us. Share us. Create that ripple now!


Lingkungan Hidup

The Travelling Straw Project

On our mission to reduce the unnecessary use of plastic, we donate reusable straws made of recycled glass to local beach cafes and


Lingkungan Hidup

Trash Hero Amed

We clean Amed! We pick up the trash to keep our paradise green & clean. Together, Every Monday at 5pm, we make a


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